Stuff to Know When Cults Come Knocking Student Newspapers
This title is no longer available in print. A study to help teens understand what cults are, what specific cults believe, and how to respond.
Available Only to CRCs (read more)
This title is no longer available in print. A study to help teens understand what cults are, what specific cults believe, and how to respond.
Available Only to CRCs (read more)
In today's interconnected world, teens frequently come into contact with belief systems that are unlike their own. This study helps teens understand what cults are, how they operate, and what some specific cults believe. Includes two introductory sessions plus sessions on Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, New Age (includes Christian Science, Scientology, and other groups), occult groups and activities such as Wicca, and five fringe groups. Other course materials (sold separately) include an informative leader's guide and colorful participant newspapers. Adaptable for use with young adults and adults. This title is no longer available in print.