The Heidelberg Catechism, 450th Anniversary Edition

This 450th Anniversary Edition of the Heidelberg Catechism is a fresh translation from the 1563 German and Latin texts and is an ecumenical effort recommended for use in Reformed and Presbyterian churches today.
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Size (inches): 
6 x 9 X .375
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Retail Price: 
$9.00USD / $12.33CDN
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$8.10USD / $11.10CDN

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The Heidelberg Catechism has long been admired as a clear expression of the Reformed Christian faith as well as for its warm, personal tone. Many of its questions and answers—especially Q&A 1—have been memorized by thousands and have become an anchor for faith for generations of Christians.

This 450th Anniversary Edition of the Heidelberg Catechism offers a fresh and accurate translation of the historic confession. Developed by pastors and scholars from various Reformed and Presbyterian churches, the new edition seeks to recapture the catechism's original purpose for not only teaching the faith but also uniting our voices by means of a common confession. Join churches and small groups from around the world in studying the Heidelberg in celebration of the 450th anniversary!

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